:: Sunday, October 29, 2006 ::
NEW RECORD, ALL IN Mike has finished ALL IN, the follow-up to the critically acclaimed SKIMMING. The 12-song disc picks up where the best of the previous work left off, and pushes forward to an entirely new level.
1. Something New/ 2. How it Ends/ 3. OK to Go/ 4. Girlfriend Weather/ 5. Packing My Bags/ 6. Run/ 7. Ever Since/ 8. Whatever You Say/ 9. Sweet Anesthesia/ 10. Please Stop Leaving/ 11. You Could Be Anywhere/ 12. Better Here
The record will release in early 2007.
Download the demo version of "Ever Since" at www.myspace.com/mikeerrico.
MIKE ERRICO 2006 HOLIDAY SHOW Tuesday, December 12 AT JOE'S PUB 425 Lafayette St., NYC 9:30 PM / $15.00
Reservations strongly recommended. Your 2006-2007 Holiday Omens will be in attendance. Tickets and info: http://www.joespub.com/caltool/index.cfm?fuseaction=detail&performanceID=2442
THIS IS WHAT THE SHOW WILL BE LIKE: http://tngrhapsody.ytmnd.com/
:: mike 8:39 PM [+] ::