:: Thursday, January 12, 2006 ::
The "Pacific Coast Hellway" podcast is featuring some of my music lately (http://www.pacificcoasthellway.com/), and the producers got a pretty funny email:
Dear Mark,
Firstly, may I thank you for bringing Mike Errico to my attention. I
have really enjoyed the songs of his you have played and will be
buying his albums as soon as the bank tells me I can use my credit
cards again. However, I must object to the song "7 Bottles of Bristol
Cream" you played on the "all music" show at the turn of the year.
Come on! 7 bottles?!? "Tonight I drink you all"!!!!
When I was a student, I used to spend the summer vacation working in
Germany. One night I was sitting drinking with a group of friends when
some bottles of the afore mentioned beverage were produced. I won't
bore you with the gory details, but suffice it to say that not only
did I drink a full bottle, but I woke up in a different country
(Switzerland) with a bunch of builders from Poland who I swear I had
never met before. And to cap it all, I had a hangover that lasted a
Please tell your listeners not to heed Errico's call. Bristol Cream
truly is the Devil's brew.
Yours in abstinence,
Jack in Scotland.
:: mike 2:43 PM [+] ::
A play I music supervised has just opened off-Broadway. The New York Times liked it. I'm glad. I've been working with these people on and off for a couple of years.
post a troubled dream.
:: mike 7:44 AM [+] ::