:: Friday, January 6, 2006 ::
Happy 2006. I'm psyched.
The songs for the new record are all sketched out, and the drum arrangements are all in place. It'll be great to hear an actual drum kit, instead of me and blake slapping our knees, stomping the floor and spraying spit all over the place. yeah. drums are better than that. for sure.
Several bass lines are also done. I've bought some new studio gear which I'm very excited about, and that's going to help the process. As is listening. A lot. To good shit. Like Pink Floyd. Which I can't stop listening to. Just so good. So good.

"What Then," a play I'm music supervising, opens on Monday. What's it about? Well... Someone begins to blur the lines between dreams and reality. Others follow. Toxic airborne events loom in the near future. A big bag of blood splatters all over the set. I think I'm playing classical guitar. Eventually, there's no way to tell which plane of existence you're experiencing, and which one you're in.
Good shit.
That'll be at the Ohio Theater, Wooster St., NYC
post a complaint.
:: mike 11:30 AM [+] ::